Monday, July 24, 2023

winter europe

Lompat ke : Swiss, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Italy

21 Des : Paris - Mercure Eiffel

22 Des : Paris - Mercure Eiffel
07.20 - 08.45 otw versaille
09.00 - 12.45 Versaille tour agoda & lunch
12.45 - 14.15 otw louvre
15.00 - 18.00 Skip the Line louvre 

23 Des : EurailPass1
 otw strasbourgh sore -  (agoda )
Opsi Eurail Paris - Strasbourgh
13.55 - 15.41 
17.25 - 19.19
10.55 - 12.41
09.25 - 11.11
Strasbourg ada gereja notre dame

Kembali ke atas
24 Des : EurailPass2
12.51 - 15.26 : otw bern? £56
 Nginep Bern - swissotel 

25 Des : EurailPass3
09.04 - 09.58 : otw interlaken
09.58 - 11.35 : interlaken
11.35 - 12.09 : otw Grindelwald
12.30 - 13.30 cek in Eiger Hotel -  lunch
13.30 - 16.30 : Mt Jungfrau

26 Des : Grindelwald - Eiger Hotel
Kalau mau ke jungfrau lagi atau jalan jalan di grindelwald

27 Des : EurailPass4
07.18 - 10.14 : Otw Zermatt 
10.14 - 11.30 : cek in mazot hotel -  lunch
11.30 - 16.30 : otw Mt Matterhorn

Kembali ke atas
28 Des : EurailPass5
• 06.37 - 09.58 otw zurich
• 07.37 -  10.58 
12.40 - 18.02 otw salzburg
18.02 - 19.30 cek in mandi otw resto St Peter Restaurant 
19.30 - 10.15 Mozart dinner concert @1.1jt = 2.2jt - cek di agoda
Nginep Salzburg

29 Des : EurailPass6
19.07 - 21.32 otw vienna
Hotel agoda

30 Des :
- bratislava
31 Des : 
Sighseeing Vienna

1 Jan : 
07.00 - 16.00 sighseeing Vienna 
16.00 siap siap ke bandara
19.40 - 22.20 flight ke lisbon

Kembali ke atas
Lisbon - Portugal
01 jan 
19.40 - 22.20 flight to lisbon
02 jan :
08.00 -  Cintra paket tour di agoda

03 jan : sightseeing lisbon

Kembali ke atas
03 Jan
20.55 - 23.45 flight to barcelona
04 Jan 

05 Jan

06 Jan 
07.15 - 09.05 flight ke roma

Kembali ke atas
06 Jan Vatican
07.10 - 09.05 flight to Vatican - Rome
09.05 - 10.00 nunggu bagasi & imigrasi
10.00 - 11.00 otw hotel
13.30 - 16.30 Tour Colloseum
17.00 - 21.00 sightseeing rome

07 Jan  Vatican 
07.00 - 08.00 breakfast cek out titip tas
08.00 - 08.45 otw vatican
09.00 - 12.00 paket Tour Vatican Agoda
12.00 - 17.00 jalan jalan roma
17.30 - 19.00 otw airport bis bandara
19.00 - 20.00 boarding & imigrasi
20.55 : flight to jkt


21 Des - 24 Des      Prancis       3 Night
24 Des - 28 Des      Swiss          4 Night
28 Des - 1 Jan     Austria        3 Night
1 - 03 Jan      Portugal      Night
3 - 6 Jan Barcelona
06 Jan - 07 Jan      Italy              1 Night
07 Jan   20.55        Flight ke Indo

Friday, June 30, 2023

Kyoto Winter

07.00 Landing airport 

07.35 Ginkaku Kinkaku
08.30 Arashiyama :map
11.30 lunch at shijijo
14.00 Fushimi inari 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Redmi 3 Pro screen flickering layar berkedip

It's fingerprint scanner got loose because of phone dropped.

Buy a pry (plastic pry to remove back cover), plug off fingerprint scanner, and close it back see if it stop flickering. If it does, then plug the fingerprint scanner back properly and see if it still not flickering.

Layar berkedip di Redmi 3 Pro seringnya karena colokan fingerprint scanner tidak pas. Gunakan pry (beli di jakarta notebook, dll) bisa dicongkel dengan kuku diteruskan dengan pry. fingerprint scanner menempel di cover belakang. Lepas konektor yang di atas baterai. Tutup lagi cover belakang dan dinyalakan apakah berhenti kedip. Jika berhasil, buka cover belakang dan pasang kembali dengan baik konektor di atas baterai.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

IDX Indonesian Stock Exchange indicators

1. Market Cap.
Market capitalization = PBX x Equity

2. PBV
Price to Book Value = Ticker price ÷ equity per share

3. Book Value = Equity = Assets - Liabilities

4. Equity per share = Equity ÷ total number of shares


5. DER
Debt to Equity ratio = Debt : Equity
As always, ratio differ regarding industry sector and main target market.
DER generally considered over leveraged (on the brink of too much loan) on 2:1 ratio.

Earnings before interest tax depreciation amortization.
Indicator to compare business without distortion of  tax deduction/benefit, capital structure, and asset management.

Business may perform better but looked worse on the bottom line (Earnings after tax) because of domicile, client, and other variable that incur additional or less tax.
So before delving further on suitability to be financed, EBITDA shows the core business itself whether it is generating enough earnings for additional loan.

Aside from tax, business also may benefit from parent company thus having minimum loan exposure, case of CPIN.JK (Thai subsidiary) as compared to JPFA.JK in which with less assets and maxed out loan, JPFA manage to hold similar market share to CPIN, both at 33% of day old chick (DOC) industry.
Chicken feed and frozen food contributed to revenue in much smaller percentage for both business (in the period of 2000s to 2010s).

Amortization and Depreciation may distort business performance in a way they manage their tangible assets.
A business deciding to lease most of their assets eg. Head quarters, manufacturing machines, operational vehicles may reflect differently than those who has the financial strength to make purchases and depreciate optimally for tax benefit, thus accumulating assets.
Business with lesser war coffers may have less options.
EBITDA will provide preliminary indicator for financing availability by measuring business earnings before aforementioned distortions.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Bluetooth error, Bluetooth adapter missing from device manager. Unknown USB device with yellow exclamation mark. Windows 10

After 2 years my Windows 10 having bluetooth issue,
sometimes bluetooth suddenly missing in the middle of being used to listen to youtube.
Sometimes it can be fixed by removing unknown USB device from device manager and clicking refresh. But most of the time it doesn't work.
Unknown USB device keep reappearing after being uninstalled.
Clicking detail in device manager shows error COM3 Unknown USB device for task printing via USB.
Removing printers doesn't work.
Restarting with no services and autostart programs also doesn't work.

Today the one thing that work (and hopefully permanently) is updating intel driver via
It's the new (Nov 2017) inter drivers update assistant, replacing older IDUU.

Sunday, October 7, 2018



Hello World!!!

Open Google

Friday, September 14, 2018

Quote, Muse.

understand thy enemies, understand thyself, understand the battlefield;
and so in 1000 battles there will be 1000 victories!! [Sun Tzu]


it's little things that only I know.. [lyrics]


everyone lives bound with their knowledge and awareness. that's called reality. But knowledge and Awareness are vague, and perhaps better called illussion. Everyone lives within their own subjective interpretation, don't you think?  [uchiha, itachi /ch385/page06-07/ as pictured in "the Matrix"]

By choosing the latter, one can live and strive toward goals. [hyuga, neji /ch105/page12.6.19]

When the Storm comes, one builds walls;
Other builds Windmill !!
[Ancient Chinese Proverb]
A Journey of Thousands Miles Begin with One Step.
[Ancient Chinese Proverb]
or a Giant Leap.
"The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present."
[Alice Morse Earle]
It is not uncommon to commiserate with a stranger's misfortune, but it takes a really fine nature to appreciate a friend's success. 
[Oscar Wilde]
1st poem to ever sound like a poem (to me):
Deep in the heart of Summer, sweet is life to me still, But my heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill. [Fiona MacLeod]
A Friend in need,
is a friend indeed.
[smurf name-address stickers, back then on elementary school]
"Kalau kita bekerja lebih dari yang dibayar, kita akan dibayar lebih dari yang kita kerjakan."
[Mario Teguh]
That which does not destroy us makes us stronger. [Friedrich Nietzsche]
Things that does not kill you makes you stronger.
[Viking Proverb]
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
[Vladimir Lenin]
Truths are not relative. What are relative are opinions about truth.
[Nicolás Gómez Dávila]
Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's. [Jesus Christ, Matt. 22:21 KJV]
Punyamu ya punyaku, punyaku ya punyakuu..
Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped. -[African proverb]

There may be a limit to what the human mind can figure out about our universe. But how presumptuous it would be for me to claim that if I can't solve a problem, neither can any other person who has ever lived or who will ever be born. [Neil dGT]
The eye only see what the mind ready to comprehend [Perspective s2ep3]
"Chains of habits are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken." [WB]